The slightest problem experienced in the stomach can cause many problems in a person's daily life. Leaving the invitation early, disrupting his business plans, etc. our patients with gastritis, who often complain of such conditions, can even refrain from eating. This complaint, which occurs by inflammation of the stomach wall, also known as the gastric mucosa, is known Decently in medicine and popularly as gastritis. The complaint of gastritis, which can be acute or chronic, of course, has many causes and symptoms. Gastroenterology specialists offer a solution to gastritis, which reduces the quality of life of a person when left untreated. Ankara is the doctor who treats gastritis. You will be able to find all the details about gastritis from Meral Sözen in this article and you will learn the answers to many questions such as what is gastritis, what causes it, what triggers gastritis, is there a cure for gastritis.
What is Gastritis Discomfort, How Does It Occur?
Gastritis, a gastrointestinal tract disease that can be seen frequently in Turkey, is the name given to all of the many complaints caused by the stomach. Gastritis, which manifests itself with severe abdominal pain and accompanying heartburn, is called inflammation of the stomach wall. As a result of the weakening of the immune system, the stomach lining becomes weak and may become vulnerable to damage due to other factors and become inflamed. Gastritis, which can pass over time, can also be chronic.
What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Gastritis?
Bloating: The nervous mood of the person is added to the complaint of bloating that begins after eating. The person who expresses that he cannot digest what he eats somehow always mentions that he is swollen.
Severe abdominal pain: The most common symptom of gastritis is severe abdominal pain. The pain radiating from the middle region of the abdomen to the entire abdomen also makes its presence felt between the two chest Decapitations.
Belching and bad breath: Bad breath and belching can occur due to acids secreted from the stomach.
Heartburn or heartburn: Although both terms are confused with each other, when it comes to the presence of gastritis, bitter water comes from the stomach to the mouth and leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
Black stools and weight loss: Gastritis can sometimes cause constipation, as well as sometimes cause diarrhea. In people who defecate black with weight loss, the diagnosis of gastritis can be made immediately. Defecation of black color indicates bleeding, albeit small in diameter, from the stomach and intestinal wall.
Hiccups, chest pain and rapid satiety: Patients complain most about such symptoms when complaining of gastritis experienced in the stomach.
The symptoms of gastritis, which is divided into acute gastritis and chronic gastritis, can also be different. For example, nausea may occur in the stomach in acute gastritis, while loss of appetite, pain and weakening may occur in chronic gastritis.
What Causes Gastritis?
Ulcers, reflux, etc. the main role in stomach disorders is always H. There is a pylori infection. Sprial bacteria, which are taken orally and placed in the stomach, can be seen in all areas of the abdominal region, especially in the digestive system. H, which can easily pass from person to person. The Pylori bacterium breaks down the protective layer of the stomach and irritates the stomach lining. However, the only cause of gastritis is is not pylori, and as a result of certain tests, can also be revealed that there is no gastritis due to pylori infection.
Gasrtitin H. There are many reasons for its occurrence, except for pylori infection. For example, the lack of treatment for reflux disease and the long-term use of NSAIDs (pain relievers) and harmful habits can all favor the occurrence of Gastritis. In addition, radiation therapies and diseases can also prepare the ground for gastritis.
What Are the Risk Factors For Gastritis?
Gastritis is a stomach disorder that negatively affects and interacts with almost everything. Anything that puts a negative on the immune system and the central nervous system, such as stress and depression, can cause gastritis. Gastritis caused by many factors, from alcohol to smoking, acidic drinks to spicy foods, can also be affected by bile reflux. Bile fluid flowing into the stomach is also a risk factor, as it will prepare the ground for the formation of gastritis.
Gastritis can also occur due to B12 deficiency, diabetes, kidney failure, and viral infections. People with parasitic infections and Crohn's disease, on the other hand, are at a great risk.
What Are the Types of Gastritis?
Autoimmune Gastritis
In some cases, the immune system can be seen to defend itself against its own tissues and organs. Therefore, the immune system, which creates substances or cells that damage tissues, can attack some cells in the gastric mucosa. Autoimmune gastritis, which can cause chronic gastritis; B12 deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and type 1 diabetes group diseases can be seen together.
Hypertrophic Gastritis
Gastritis, which occurs as a result of the coarsening and expansion of the mucosal folds forming the inner face of the stomach as a result of inflammation, is called hypertrophic gastritis.
How Is Gastritis Diagnosed?
If we want to find a cure for the gastritis problem that negatively affects everyday life, we should be examined by gastroenterologists who offer permanent solutions, not temporary solutions. Gastroenterologists who are directly interested in the digestive and excretory system get the chance to examine many areas from the stomach to the twelve fingers, so they can diagnose Gastritis and prepare a plan for its treatment.
Dr . The diagnosis of Gastritis by Meral Sözen is made by Blood test, Stool test, Endoscopy, Biopsy and radiological imaging of the stomach. After determining the type of gastritis in the stomach, the treatment stages are also planned and applied.
How is Gastritis Treated?
If you are experiencing a series of complaints such as heartburn, indigestion, bloating, belching and nausea, it is obvious that there is a problem in your digestive system. In this case, you should contact a doctor serving in the Gastroenterology department as soon as possible before endangering your health and delaying the diagnosis of existing diseases and take the necessary tests.
Your doctor will listen to the complaint you are experiencing and plan the diagnosis and treatment in the most appropriate way for you and save you from Gastritis. Many diseases that cause gastritis, on the other hand, will be possible to treat after the cause is found.
If you are experiencing acute gastritis problems, you may need to Decelerate the use of alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you are facing a chronic gastritis due to a bacterial infection, the bacteria can be easily destroyed with antibiotic therapy.
For Helicobacter pylori bacteria, there are 3 types of treatment and the duration is 14 days. Of course, your doctor will determine which treatment will be good for you and its duration.
Take Steps to Get Rid of Gastritis
Ignoring or enduring a gastritis complaint that occurs for many reasons, such as alcohol or gallbladder secretion, will be the biggest injustice you will do for yourself. Because gastritis, which can turn into an ulcer in the future, can manifest as stomach cancer in the very, very future. Intervening at an early stage of everything ensures that the treatments and painful days to be experienced in the future are understood and prevented long in advance. If you also suffer from gastritis, there is no need to suffer from gastritis at all! By approaching the gastritis problem, which we diagnose with endoscopy, both medicated and surgically, we can completely eliminate it from your life.